
How can I use multi-touch attribution to boost my marketing performance?

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Do you have an ecommerce business? Start by posting engaging content that your potential customers are searching for. To get the most out of your search engine optimization campaign, create a unique title tag, meta description, and meta keywords for each page on your website. Finally, keep your ecommerce website’s content fresh so that search engines will continue to find it relevant. Ecommerce marketing can also be referred to as digital marketing, internet marketing, e-marketing, or online marketing. It is defined as the act of driving awareness and action toward a business that sells its product or service electronically.


Marketing attribution answers the question, “Where did the money go?” Attributions answers this question by tracking customer behavior through all touch points of the journey. It allows you to identify the role each channel plays in engaging, acquiring, or converting a customer so you can give credit accurately and allocate budgets accordingly.


Marketers today find themselves in a complex position. More channels and more traffic sources, coupled with a greater need to prove ROI, make it more difficult than ever before. Customers generate more data and use multiple devices to interact with companies. Traditional attribution models, which rely on last-touch measurement, fail to measure the role of each touch point in the customer journey. That’s why you should use multi-touch attribution for your performance calculations. 


Marketing attribution is the process of attributing a conversion to a specific marketing channel or activity. Marketers need to be accountable for their campaigns and it starts with knowing which customer attribute (location, gender etc.) and which marketing activity (website landing page, piece of content, offer) actually influenced a lead or sale, especially for eCommerce attribution specialists. Doing this analysis will enable marketers to spend their budgets more efficiently.


Through the power of digital touchpoints, you can expand your brand’s online presence, increase traffic to your website, build traffic to your social media sites, and grow your email database.


October 20, 2021 |

Change the look of your house with these easy tweaks!

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The home we live in is the place where it is most important to feel at home. It is therefore important to continue to adapt your home until you feel completely at home here. We generally recommend that you continue to make adjustments to the house until you are completely satisfied with it. This is because it is only possible to optimally enjoy your living space when you are completely satisfied with it. Because of the importance of the subject we’ll give you some tips and tricks that can help you redesign your home.


Art is very personal. This is precisely why you can give your home a personal twist by hanging art in your home. The art that hangs in your home has been selected by you and represents your preferences et cetera. It is of course the best thing to opt for original artwork, then you can be sure that the art only hangs in your home! This may be a hefty investment, but due to the originality of the artwork you will never get tired of it.


In addition to art, you can of course change your home through non-art-related decorations. By non-art-related decorations we mean pieces of furniture, plants or, for example, a clock on the wall. These are generally pieces of furnishing that cost next to nothing. Because of the low cost involved, you can also make these adjustments on a regular basis. In this case, it does not have to cost much to change the appearance of the home.

To paint

Painting a wall is an easy job. If you set aside a day for this, you can in most cases give the entire wall a new color. In addition, painting does not have to be expensive. For a few tens of euros, your home will look completely different on the inside! When painting, make sure that you choose safe colors. These are the easiest to like. The chance that you will have to paint it again later is minimal in these cases.


June 8, 2021 |

Letselschade door een ongeval

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Bent u slachtoffer geworden van een verkeersongeval, bedrijfsongeval of heeft u schade opgelopen door dieren of medische missers? Dan kunt u voor deze letselschade een vergoeding voor krijgen. Letselschade is schade die voortvloeit uit psychisch of lichamelijk letsel door toedoen van een ander. Zoals blijkt uit de definitie, wordt er onderscheid gemaakt tussen twee soorten letselschade, namelijk materiële en immateriële schade. Materiële schade is schade die uit te drukken is in geld, zoals schade aan uw telefoon of kleding en kosten van de medische behandeling. Immateriële schade daarentegen is niet (makkelijk) in geld uit te drukken. Denk hierbij aan hinder of ongemak door een ongeval, emotioneel verlies, psychische klachten en meer. De vergoeding die u voor deze laatste krijgt noemt men ook wel een emotionele schadevergoeding of smartengeld.

Letselschade berekenen

Het is mogelijk een berekening te maken van de vergoeding waar u recht op heeft als u slachtoffer bent geworden van een ongeval. Er zijn websites, bijvoorbeeld van advocatenkantoren die u tools aanbieden om online letselschade te berekenen. Hoewel het berekenen van de hoogte van een schadevergoeding waar u recht op heeft complex is, is het vrij eenvoudig een indicatie te krijgen via dergelijke online tools. Doorgaans zullen u enkele vragen over het ongeval en de gevolgen gesteld worden. Vragen die u kunt verwachten zijn bijvoorbeeld vragen naar wanneer het ongeval heeft plaatsgevonden, wat er gebeurd is, wat uw ziektekosten waren, of u door het ongeval niet meer in staat bent bepaalde handelingen uit te voeren en of u inkomen bent misgelopen. Op basis van uw antwoorden zal er een indicatie gegeven worden over de hoogte van de schadevergoeding waar u recht op heeft.

Inschakelen van een advocaat

Het berekenen van letselschade is een complexe zaak. Er zijn enorm veel schadeposten en factoren waar rekening mee gehouden moet worden. Het is haast onmogelijk zelf een goede berekening te maken. Daarom is het verstandig een professional, een letselschade advocaat of jurist in te schakelen. Zij kunnen u helpen met het berekenen van de vergoeding waar u recht op heeft en kunnen u helpen met uw letselschadezaak. Professionals zijn getraind in het behandelen van dergelijke zaken. Om deze reden is de berekening die zij maken vele malen accurater dan de berekening die u of een online tool kan maken. Immers, niet alle mogelijke posten kunnen aan bod komen via een online tool. Daarnaast zullen advocaten rekening houden met alle mogelijke schadeposten, zodat er geen enkele over het hoofd gezien wordt. Wilt u dus een maximale schadevergoeding claimen? Schakel dan een ervaren letselschade advocaat of jurist in.

November 4, 2020 |

WoW Classic Naxxramas And Burning Crusade Release Date Leaked

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WOW Classic has been a success since its first day of launch, allowing all the players of yesteryear to relive the sensations they experienced when playing the most famous MMORPG in the history of video games just a few days after its premiere, an experience that they had been asking for a long time and that Blizzard has finally awarded to all of its loyal fans.

As you may already know, World of Warcraft was released without any expansion or patch, and the same has happened with this WOW Classic.

However, in the future time Blizzard will gradually include all the content that served to improve the game at that time, so many people are waiting for the next updates to be announced with content from some of the multiple expansions this game received all this years.

Players have already been able to relive the stories of Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, as well as the successful launch of the Ten Hour War, all while spending their WOW Classic gold on upgrading their characters and acquiring better abilities.

Also, following the release of the latest WOW Classic content, rumors began to spread that Blizzard would add content from the Naxxramas and The Burning Crusade expansions to the game much sooner than the experts expected, so many people are attentive in Reddit forums and other social networks.


The Twitch streamer Nano leaked the release date of the content.

The user NanoNost, recognized streamer of World of Warcraft, has announced in his Twitter account that the launch of Naxrammas could be in December of this same year 2020, while a beta of The Burning Crusade could be launched in March or April of the year 2021.

It should be noted that The Burning Crusade expansion is a fan favorite, so its inclusion would make the gaming experience much more attractive and could recruit a large number of players, so Blizzard must make sure it works very well to meet the expectations.

Of course, a large group of fans is not convinced that these dates revealed by Nano are true, since it would represent a very short margin of work for Blizzard, which would have to add all the Naxxrammas content to the servers before the end of this year, while simultaneously working on adding The Burning Crusade content to the game beta on March.

As always, we just have to wait for official sources to speak out before generating many expectations about it, although everything indicates that the developers are trying hard to please their fans and allow them to enjoy World of Warcraft as they did many years ago , without very good graphics but with an addictive gameplay that attracted millions of players from all over the world and made this game one of the most important titles of the history of the videogames industry.

WOW Classic is now available on Microsoft Windows and MAC OS.

Do you think that these rumors are true? Stick to GoldPiles, you will not only get the latest news and rumors about WoW Classic, but also be the first to know the price reduce of WoW Classic gold!
September 17, 2020 |

RomeluLukaku Complains About His Ratings In FIFA 21

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It is quite common hear certain complaints from players after EA Sports reveals the ratings of the next FIFA game and in this case it has not been the exception.

This time the player who is being the protagonist of the complaints is RomeluLukaku, the Belgian striker of Inter Milan, who considers that the developers of the title have been unfair to him by assigning him such a low number of points (85 OVR).

Lukaku wrote a message on his Twitter account saying that he thinks developers give such low ratings for players to provoke their complains and thus generate free publicity. Here’s the message:

As we mentioned before, it is not the first time that EA Sports has assigned such controversial ratings to top-level players, so Lukaku’s assumptions could be well supported, since the numbers awarded to the player are nowhere near corresponding to his performance in real life.

During the past season, Lukaku scored a total of 34 goals in 51 games, being one of the top scorers in the UEFA Euro League, reaching the final of that competition and second place in the Italian league with Inter.

Specifically, Lukaku has been ranked 66th among the best players in FIFA 21 and has the same number of points as Timo Werner, Kai Havertz, Memphis Depay, RyadMahrez and even Marco Reus.Although they are players of a very good level, they do not have the trajectory and skills of the Belgian striker on the pitch.


Lukaku has fewer points than Suárez, Busquets and Hazard.

However, things get worse when we compare Lukaku’s points with some players who have better ratings than him, such as Luis Suárez and Sergio Busquets, two FC Barcelona players who just had the worst season of their careers, showing a very low level that didn’t allow the catalan team to win any competition last season.

Likewise, another decision that has caused a lot of controversy are the 88 points awarded to Lukaku’s compatriot, Eden Hazard, who has also had the worst season of his career, full of injuries, a very poor performance game and has managed to maintain a fairly high score that many other players for sure are envying at the moment.

Of course, there is no doubt that many players will buy FIFA 21 Coins to acquire Lukaku in FIFA Ultimate Team, since he is one of the strongest and fastest forwards in all of FUT, which is why many fans prefer him over Robert Lewandowski or Harry Kane, forwards who are slower and less mobility on the pitch.


Will Lukaku receive any increases in his points after the game launches?

FIFA 21 launches on PS4, Xbox One, Stadia and PC on October 9, 2020. The FIFA 21 release date for next gen consoles PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X hasn’t been confirmed yet.

The FIFA 21 coins on U7BUY store shall be available in early October. FIFA 21 players and accounts will be also for sale by then.
September 16, 2020 |

Begrafenis kosten vergelijken

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Zodra u een begrafenis moet organiseren krijgt u te maken met vele uiteenlopende kosten. Doorgaans hebben de meeste mensen een begrafenisverzekering afgesloten, en dat meestal jaren, decennia geleden. Met de komst van de euro zijn de gulden polissen uiteraard aangepast naar de euro, waardoor nogal wat mensen heden ten dagen enigszins onderverzekerd zijn.

Begrafenis kosten

Een gemiddelde begrafenis kost ongeveer 8.000 tot 10.000 euro. Dit is natuurlijk geheel afhankelijk van de wensen van de overledene en nabestaanden. Begraven worden is nu eenmaal duurder dan een crematie. De hogere kosten zijn veelal te wijten aan een dure steen en huur voor de begraafplaats. 

Zodra u te maken krijgt met het organiseren van een begrafenis, is een van de eerste dingen die u doet het inschakelen van een begrafenisondernemer. Soms komt u via via bij de juiste begrafenisondernemer terecht, of bent u al bekend met een firma. Is dit niet het geval, dan doet u er verstandig aan diverse begrafenisondernemers met elkaar te vergelijken

Begrafenisondernemers vergelijken?

Natuurlijk hebt u niet alle tijd om een vergelijking uit te voeren, er is meestal enige urgentie geboden bij het inschakelen van een begrafenisondernemer. Een handig hulpmiddel hierbij vindt u op de website ‘‘. Aan de hand van uw plaats of postcode krijgt u direct een overzicht van de vele begrafenisondernemers bij u in de buurt. 

Ontvang direct een overzicht van begrafenisondernemers

Binnen dit overzicht ziet u direct wat het gemiddelde tarief is voor een begrafenis per onderneming, het aantal sterren dat door eerdere klanten is toegekend, en .. u krijgt een gezicht bij de begrafenisondernemer. Dit laatste gegeven lijkt van ondergeschikt belang, maar is in de praktijk zeer prettig. U ziet met wie u te maken krijgt, dit is de persoon die de begrafenis doorgaans organiseert. Voelt u zich prettig bij diegene, dan maakt dit de stap alweer iets eenvoudiger. 

Hebt u hulp of advies nodig? Ook daarvoor kunt u op de website terecht.
September 7, 2020 |

FIFA 21: Stadium Customization

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It is well known that EA Sports makes a lot of money with Ultimate Team. That is why almost every improvement is in this game mode. This year EA announced a ton of improvements: better co-op features, events inspired by real-life players, the iconic FIFA 100, and the addition of FIFA Stadium. This last one is the central subject of this article.

FIFA Stadium is a new feature coming to FIFA 21 Ultimate Team. This feature gives the player the opportunity to create their own stadium with a lot of customization options. We could customize almost everything in our stadium from seat colors to pyrotechnics shows. Thanks to this you would make some awesome atmospheres. 

Two of the most exciting features are the crowd chants and the club anthem. With the opportunity to customize these elements, you will really make your FIFA Stadium feel like your own team.

All stadium custom items are: badge, club nickname, goal sounds, player celebration, kit, ball, stadium base paint, pitch line paint, goal net colors, stadium, fireworks, sparklers, confetti cannons, flame cannons, stadium seat paint, stadium theme, tifo, crowd chant, club anthem, background tifo, and stadium theme.

Moreover, we think that the inclusions of more customization options are steps in the right direction. We hope that EA Sports keeps making this kind of steps because a lot of people love to make their own player, and now they will be able to make their own stadium. Who doesn’t love this idea?

Definitely, thanks to FIFA Stadium, FIFA 21 will be a game with more variety and complexity. The game will be out on October 9 in the current generation of consoles (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC). Sadly, the version of the Nintendo Switch won’t have these new features.

If you are expecting the release as much as we do, don’t forget you can buy the cheapest FIFA coins on FUTeamGo!
September 4, 2020 |
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