Various logistics solutions

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Rotterdam is a city known for its many famous buildings, its war history and its inhabitants who like to roll up their sleeves. The Rotterdam mentality is praised for its ‘don’t bullshit but clean up’ attitude, which enabled the city to rise again from its ashes after the war. The port of Rotterdam is reaping the benefits of this mentality and has been growing for years. Besides the workers, the port of Rotterdam also benefits from its location. The city lies directly on the North Sea and the Netherlands borders Germany. To top it all off, almost all of Europe is easily accessible from Rotterdam. Rotterdam is therefore, as it were, the front door of Europe. Because of this, the Port of Rotterdam is responsible for a significant part of the Dutch economy. But how does it work in the Port and what activities and solutions does this economic engine offer? You can read it in this blog! 

Forwarding and shipping 

As you have already read, Rotterdam is seen as the gateway to Europe. Products often arrive by ship in the Port of Rotterdam and are stored, distributed and shipped all over Europe through different channels. From the Port of Rotterdam, goods can be distributed across Europe via road transport, inland shipping, rail or air. The advantage of inland shipping is that you can move a large amount of cargo. Unfortunately, an inland ship is slow and a boat often cannot deliver the cargo to a precise location. A train travels faster than a boat but is more expensive to consume. Also by rail, you often cannot deliver a load to a location and the load ends up at a distribution point. Road transport is often the quickest option, but there are often traffic jams (especially in the Netherlands). Also, a truck can transport much less than a boat or train. 

Warehousing and distribution

Warehousing and distribution is an important function and solution of the port. It is important that the port offers the possibility to store products and to distribute them in the right way to the channel by which they will leave the port. It is important that the port offers the possibility to store any gas, liquid or product large or small. For this there are strict safety measures which the Port of Rotterdam can comply with. 

Looking for a logistics partner? 

Are you still looking for a partner who can take care of all or part of your logistics process? Broekman Logistics from Rotterdam has been a trusted partner at home and abroad for years. You can easily contact one of the account managers via the contact form on the website.
September 3, 2021 |

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