Flavored e-cigarettes banned

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From 1 July 2022 there will be an end to e-cigarettes with flavors such as apple pie, wine gum or piña colada. The Council of Ministers has decided this on a proposal from State Secretary Blokhuis of Health, Welfare and Sport. Research shows that flavors are very popular among young people. There is also increasing evidence that the use of an e-cigarette for young people is a stepping stone to smoking tobacco cigarettes. For this reason, the government is introducing new regulations that will soon make it no longer possible to add flavors – except tobacco flavor – to the liquids of an e-cigarette.

State Secretary Blokhuis: “In the National Prevention Agreement, it has been agreed to achieve a smoke-free generation by 2040.Best e cigarette store for the best quality. To achieve that, we must now do what we can to ensure that as many children as possible grow up in a smoke- and tobacco-free environment. And that environment must also be as free as possible from new tobacco and related products such as e-cigarettes with different flavors. Because especially young people start using the e-cigarette faster because of these exotic flavors. That is why we are putting an end to that.”

Scientific proof

The cabinet bases these regulations on scientific research by the Trimbos Institute, among others, on e-cigarettes. There is increasing scientific evidence about the harmfulness, addictiveness and attractiveness of the e-cigarette. The government therefore chooses to further discourage e-cigarettes, except for people who would like to quit smoking and who really cannot manage it with the regular, proven effective methods.


The government is implementing the ban by creating the option in the Tobacco and Tobacco Products Decree to no longer allow flavorings that are mainly used for flavors other than a tobacco flavor in liquids for e-cigarettes. An exhaustive list of flavors that will still be allowed in the liquids will be drawn up via a ministerial regulation, and this will come into effect on July 1, 2022.

January 13, 2023 |

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