Equestrian wireless communication systems

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The equestrian wireless communication systems are useful as an instructor to relay clear messages or information to your rider.

These AXIWI communication systems especially designed for horseback riders even allow the rider to talk back, so as an instructor you always know that the rider has received your message correctly.

A quality transmission of the message is ensured, because it has an open connection and the fitting earpiece will make it sound like the person is standing right next to you.
This means that you as an instructor can steer the rider without you or the rider being affected by noise, interference, delays or echoes.

Such a clear connection is very important and ensures a smooth running of the competition, will will save you a lot of yelling and effort.

You don’t have to worry about discomfort, because this system has a small size and is light, so you hardly feel it.
This is certainly convenient for the rider, because this way he feels extremely comfortable during his ride and can perform optimally.

This system is also an excellent choice if you are looking for a reliable communication system and if you are professionally engaged in competitions. This version of the AXIWI communication system was specifically designed for the professional and demanding competition rider.

Using this device is done simply by turning on the device. It also provides privacy through its private connection technology.
This technology ensures that the instructor maintains at all times the private connection with his rider, even in places where many instruction sets are used.

January 17, 2021 |

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